Tuesday 2 February 2010

A4e Gateway Course, Day 2, CVs

Arrive at 9am today. Armed with my CV on disk, as I was told yesterday, I am being a good student. First, I get to do the very exciting literacy test. I admit, I am quietly confident about that one. I then get to join the rest of the gang, who are in the teaching room writing out their CVs by hand. Not convinced that this is entirely necessary. Also, a glaring oversight comes to mind. I am starting new deal. Therefore I must have been looking for a job for long time. Why am I on a course to teach me about CVs? I obviously have a CV already, why would they even think there was a possibility that I didn't? How did the jobcentre think I was applying for all of those jobs that I told them about?! Surely this course should be what you do when you first sign on if you need help.

12 o clock, almost lunchtime, and some people are now being allowed to go to the computer room to type up what they've just written. Wow, I was starting to think the computers were just plastic boxes there for show. One o clock, I get to upload my CV finally, for a trainer to look at it. A quick perusal and it seems to be fine. I am now allowed to do use the resources to look for jobs, yay! The rest of my day is spent online looking at the exact same jobs websites as I would have done at home (yesterday). I am starting to think this is a waste of my time.

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